
Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Winter is finally here in Oregon, and Jack Frost can't do diddly squat while I'm in this hat. It took me three days from start to finish and it is like wearing a down comforter on my head. In fact, I took Linc to the neighborhood communities' Christmas Craft Bazar , and I think I lasted 15 minutes indoors with it on. I had to whip it off, just so I could stop sweating.

Looking at craft bazars is so interesting to me, I long to be in one again, but I feel like I would have to start preparing in spring just so I could have the kind of inventory I would want. Would it be worth it? Did you do or go to a craft show this holiday? What was the best thing you saw there? I saw the cutest little crocheted bunnies, I wish she had made them into ornaments. Who could have resisted having a bunny hanging from one's tree.  

BTW, my son did not like the craft bazar at all, except for the marshmallow shooters and sparkly spider magnets he tried to rush me through every room as fast as his legs could go. At one point we walked past a bench full of young boys and dads all playing some sort of game on their phones. Just biding their time until mom was done.=)

Speaking of being done, once I was done with this hat I decided to add braids. Love it! I've always wanted a hat with braids on it. I don't know why but I feel like it completes the hat. By the way, I'm just now realizing that the color's of this hat and my banner are very similar.

I want to say a quick hello to the newest followers. First off, I'm honored to have you at my blog. Second, it will be fun to get to know you and if you have blogs yourself, I will be stoping by yours to check out what your up to. 
Here at Hookable Designs I will be sharing my love for crocheting, sewing, and do it yourself health and beauty stuff.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I stumbled upon your blog thanks to a link on Pinterest. Somebody really loved your post about the dry shampoo and I definitely plan to try it out!
    I have a blog, but it is very different from yours. You may or may not find it entertaining. The link is below.


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