
Monday, June 28, 2010

Newest Member of the Hookable Designs Family

Meet the newest Hookable Designs member. I have been itching to just sit down and design, and finally found the time to do it. Its a bracelet, which surprised me, because I don't really make bracelets that often. But I love her. I also don't normally genderize (you like my made up word?) jewelry but with this one I'll make an exception because the design is so boldly feminine.   

Does it look really long for a bracelet? Well its because you double wrap it.

I haven't found a name for it(uh, I mean her). So I want to know what name you would give this beauty?

 I have more pictures that I'm going to be posting in my Etsy shop after I put Lincoln to bed. So check it out!

Now For Something Random 

Do you see what I see? No thats not two daisies being held together, that two daisies growing out of one stem. Its a Siamese Twin daisy! I randomly found it while walking though hundreds of daisies in attempt  to check out some seeding lupines in my field. I thought it was so rare that I had to take a picture of it and share with you all.

Monday love,


  1. The bracelet is beautiful, the colors are good together. Good night Lincoln, love Nama

  2. I don't know what to name her but I went straight to Esty and snatched her up! You are so very talented, Danielle! See you soon!

  3. Thanks Rennie!!! Well I'm sure she'll look fab-tab-ulious on you.

  4. I love double wrap bracelets! I think it looks great!

    clothed much, a modest fashion blog

  5. Thank Elaine, I'm starting to really love the double wrap bracelets myself.


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