
About Me

Hi! My name is Danielle Falk and I live in the beautiful state Oregon. I have one amazing little man and one hunka-hunka burning love husband. Yea, I digg them both.
I am crafty, creative, and goofy. I'm also a very deep thinker. I love to problem solve and invent. I daydream about wonderful projects I will start (and finish), I love to sing and make up little ditty's for myself and son. I started this blog to share my constant creativity, curiosity and the things that I'm thinking about: life, love, design.

My husband and I have been married for 8 years. We've definitely have had a roller coaster journey with the loss of  four children, and yet our marriage has remained strong. Its not our strength,though, that has allowed us to remain intact but our dependance on God.

Thank you for visiting me if you have any questions or would like to talk to me, besides commenting me, you can reach me at drfalk(at)